Lead Generation, Sales Excellence and Customer Communication Proficiency Self-Assessment
Use this form as a personal reflection on your personal or business proficiency in customer communication, lead generation and sales excellence. As a personal reflection, be prepared that this form may take 20 - 30 minutes to complete.
We'll collate your results and provide you with a written record of your submission.
How strong is your understanding of lead generation?
How do you rate your current ability to generate leads in your business?
How well defined is 'sales excellence' in your business?
To what extent would your entire team understand what you define to be sales excellence?
How would you rate your knowledge of the products and services offered in your business?
How well do you understand your target market?
Select the option that best describes your ability to discuss products and services with customers
Rate your customer interaction skills
Rate your proficiency with lead generation or sales tools and technologies
Rate how motivated and engaged you feel in your role as an entrepreneur or salesperson?
Personal Development Expectations