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Selling the Benefits of Portfolio Change: It's all about Communication

Writer's picture: Kerrie SmitKerrie Smit

Change Portfolio Management (CPM) is an emerging term describing a structured approach to managing the cumulative and collective impact of a portfolio of change. It's about seeing the bigger picture, understanding the interdependencies between different change initiatives, and ensuring they align with the organisation's strategic goals. Packaging up change initiatives into digestible units for the organisation isn't necessarily revolutionary in itself, but as a practice, it's becoming more widely discussed.

Office views showing multiple change projects underway

By taking a holistic view of the portfolio, CPM enables organisations to prioritise, optimise, and mitigate risks associated with multiple changes. While often the best approach to organise the change initiatives necessary for organisational growth, CPM can be met with resistance. To successfully implement portfolio change management, effective communication is key. In this blog post, we'll explore strategies to effectively communicate the benefits of CPM and gain buy-in from stakeholders.

Why is CPM Important?

Without a structured approach to managing change, organisations have limited ways to process and track the numerous calls for adaptation, refresh and reinvention. Selling the benefits of portfolio change becomes easier when organisations acknowledge the limitations and challenges they already face, such as:

  • Resource Constraints: Overburdened teams and limited budgets can hinder the successful implementation of change initiatives.

  • Conflicting Priorities: Competing demands from different projects can lead to delays and missed opportunities.

  • Increased Risk: Uncoordinated changes can introduce new risks and uncertainties.

  • Reduced Organisational Agility: A lack of strategic alignment can hinder the organisation's ability to respond to emerging opportunities and threats.

The Benefits of CPM

Going beyond isolated pockets of effective change management, organisations can implement a robust portfolio of change framework, and understand their holistic program of change better to reap a variety of benefits:

  • Improved Decision-Making: having a clear overview of the portfolio, enabling informed decisions about which changes to prioritise and allocate resources.

  • Enhanced Organisational Agility: By proactively managing change, organisations can adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs.

  • Reduced Risk: a portfolio approach helps identify and mitigate potential risks associated with multiple changes, minimising the likelihood of negative consequences.

  • Increased Efficiency: By streamlining processes in a change management framework, a single view of change can improve the efficiency of change managers' workloads.

  • Enhanced Stakeholder Satisfaction: One key advantage of a portfolio approach is the organisation having access to anticipated impacts by severity and timing. By effectively communicating the impact of changes and addressing stakeholder concerns, CPM can build trust and improve relationships.

Key Components of CPM

In order to deliver change better than individual projects alone, a successful change portfolio framework should include some baseline elements:

  • Portfolio Strategy: Aligning the portfolio with the organisation's strategic goals.

  • Portfolio Prioritisation: Evaluating and prioritising change initiatives based on their strategic importance, potential impact and insights gained from having a single view of change available.

  • Resource Allocation: Optimising the allocation of resources to ensure the successful execution of change initiatives.

  • Risk Management: Identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with the portfolio; and being able to roll up the change portfolio risk to an organisation's strategic risk management layer.

  • Planning Approach: Businesses can be significantly impacted by poor planning. Managing a portfolio of change enables better planning, both on the delivery side and in the impacted areas of the organisation.

  • Change Delivery: Ensuring the effective delivery of change initiatives, including sound communication about how to proceed with change, engage the change management framework and access resources and support.

  • Monitoring and Control: Tracking the progress of change initiatives and taking corrective action as needed.

Selling the Benefits of Portfolio Change to Stakeholders

Like most problems, the solution is communication. To gain buy-in for CPM, it's essential to communicate the benefits clearly and effectively. Here are some tips:

  • Highlight the big picture: Explain how a portfolio approach is superior to pockets of 'floating' change initiatives because it can help the organisation to better monitor and achieve its strategic goals.

  • Focus on tangible benefits: Quantify the potential benefits, such as cost savings, increased revenue, and improved customer satisfaction. Look for past examples of duplication, delay and unexpected impact that could have been corrected earlier with better oversight.

  • Address concerns: Anticipate and address potential concerns and objections. Plan your communication efforts with each stakeholder, taking into account their particular area of interest, and what they would need to achieve from the change portfolio to succeed in their role.

  • Involve stakeholders: Seek input and feedback from key stakeholders throughout the process.

  • Celebrate successes: Establish milestones along the way, such as implementing a consistent change management method, investigating an organisational change management tool. Then recognise and reward achievements that progress towards a portfolio view of change or reinforce its value.

By implementing a well-defined change management framework and effectively communicating the benefits of taking a portfolio approach to managing change, organisations can refine and improve their focus on strategic targets.

Take a look at Agencia Change Services, or talk to us about your change management needs:


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