Change Managers and teams are increasingly being asked to deliver stronger outcomes with fewer resources. Where practitioners are able to influence timelines and inputs, they're often successful in establishing a solid foundation for the kind of patient discovery and relationship-building that leads to change management success stories. However, organisations are constantly feeling the tension of rapidly changing markets, greater worker mobility, high technology turn over and redundancy. While not always ideal conditions for smooth change implementation, it's understandable that organisations want to move quickly through each change. In this Saturday Catch-up: Effective Change Toolkit, we look back at some techniques that can help change managers and organisations implement change smoothly and achieve their desired outcomes.
Published on 24 October 2024, Adaptive Leadership: A Flexible Approach to Navigating Change argued that a flexible leadership style that adjusts to the specific needs of the situation is crucial for navigating the uncertainties inherent in change initiatives. We looked at at adaptive leadership, it's origins, whether it constitutes a flexible approach to navigating change and what we're thinking about it today, particularly in light of global case studies provided by the Covid-19 pandemic and the pace of AI change.
Limited resources can be a major hurdle in change management. Not enough Change Resources - At Scale discusses strategies for overcoming these limitations and ensuring successful change implementation even with a lean team. Insufficient resource is a common predictor of low success in projects; insufficient resource at scale has the potential to multiply poor outcomes. From 23 October 2024.
Change management is not a luxury, but a necessity. In Understanding Organisational Change Management: Planned Change see how change management has now become a fundamental concept in the majority of business practices, essential for organisations seeking to adapt, evolve, and grow through dynamic environments. Take a closer look at exactly what we mean by managed change, with a focus on planned change, its significance, and key components. Published March 3, 2024.
When securing Investment for Change Management, building a strong case for change management and effectively communicating its value proposition can be the key to securing the necessary resources and buy-in from stakeholders. In The Case for Change Management from July 26, 2024, discover the facts and true benefits of investing in the right skills, resources and process to guide organisations skilfully through change.
Published on 22 November 2024, Change Your World: Start with Maslow's Hierarchy refreshes the familiar tool of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and examines Maslow's applicability to change management. People impacted by change will have needs that become disrupted and the lower down in the hierarchy of needs we're disrupting, the stronger the reactions.
Put another tool in the toolbox with today's Saturday Catch-Up: Effective Change Toolkit
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